GPLoft new agent in the Netherlands - Sjaak Buwalda ......

    15 June 2017, Thursday



    Sjaak Buwalda


    We welcome Sjaak as another member of the GPLoft family.

    In addition to distributing pigeons in the Netherlands (sold in GPLoft or others pigeons), it is also intended to distribute to Belgium, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Denmark, Norway, China, India, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and to other countries via ATF (Anymal To Fly).  

    It is also possible to receive pigeons in Portugal through Sjaak.


    - The transport will be by plane causing less stress on the pigeons that are transported (in 3 hours the pigeons will arrive to Holland from Lisbon);

    - The transport will be accompanied by all legal documentation (veterinary certificate and international certificate);

    - Keeping the current value of 40 € / pigeon to the agent (which includes national transport, international transport, legal documentation, collect and recovery of pigeons by Sjaak and distribution logistics upon arrival in Holland which will be managed directly by Sjaak);

    - We will try to make a transport per month;


    We continue to focus on the search for more quality distribution channels - an increasingly important factor for the GPLoft strategy.

    The objective remains clear:

    Creation of a network of contacts through partnerships and agents to improve the quality of distribution channels;

    - Implement a track & trace system that allows the customer to know at any moment the situation of the pigeon he has acquired;

    - Try to create stable delivery schedule, allowing to manage the expectation of those who buy GPLoft pigeons;


    The GPLoft Team

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