SOCIEDADE COLUMBÓFILA LEVERENSE, apresenta em leilão online um lote de pombos de excelência oriundos de várias colónias consagradas.

Contámos, com a colaboração de prestigiosas colónias Nacionais e Distritais de Columbófilos amigos, que nos têm acompanhado nestes últimos anos e a quem desde já enviamos um MUITO OBRIGADO.


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This auction will be held until 21:30 of 08.07.2024 (Portuguese Time) - will from this time ending with intervals of 3:00 minutes.

If you haven’t registered as a bidder yet sign up for free.

SHIPPING PRICES (Check the countries where we send pigeons)


We hope you enjoy.


Owner: Ring:

State: Order by:


Current Price:

Owner: Valdemar - Corga do Lobão


Current Price:

Owner: João Dias


Current Price:

Owner: Bruno Barbosa - S. Pedro Cova


Current Price:

Owner: F. R.


Current Price:

Owner: Clemente Bessa


Current Price:

Owner: António Fernando Guedes Pereira


Current Price:

Owner: Manuel Sobral da Cunha


Current Price:

Owner: Mateus -Valongo


Current Price:

Owner: António Vieira Silva


Current Price:

Owner: Manuel Guedes Pereira Meireles


Current Price:

Owner: Constantino- Rechousa


Current Price:

Owner: Pedro Xavier e Ricardo Pinheiro


Current Price:

Owner: Ribeiro Martins- S. Pedro Cova


Current Price:

Owner: Aníbal Pereira


Current Price:

Owner: António Barbosa- S. Pedro Cova


Current Price:

Owner: José Fernando Teixeira Carvalho


Current Price:

Owner: Miguel Cunha


Current Price:

Owner: Manuel Guedes Pereira Meireles


Current Price:

Owner: António Barbosa Silva


Current Price:

Owner: António Oliveira Silva


Current Price:

Owner: Albino Martins C. Francisco


Current Price:

Owner: Salvador Gama


Current Price:

Owner: José Castro Silva


Current Price:

Owner: Bernardo Sousa


Current Price:

Owner: Acílio Castro- Gondomar


Current Price:

Owner: Carlos Rocha


Current Price:

Owner: M.G.SAD.- Lobão


Current Price:

Owner: David Sérgio e Carlos


Current Price:

Owner: Lima e Silva